Hey Beauties!! <3
I love doing these kinds of posts because I love finding new comparisons and I love helping you guys!
I found this awesome comparison to the Chanel Ultra Fine Eyeliner Brush (PINCEAU EYELINER N°13) and its actually a paint brush but before you go...."Paint brush? are you joking?" No, seriously. This brush is just as soft as the Chanel liner brush and I think that they are both quite comparable as you can see below the Chanel Liner brush is thicker and gets thinner where as the Daler-Rowney is one length all the way along.

I think they are pretty comparable because they both apply Gel Eyeliner just as you would expect, take a look at he swatch below:
As you can see the liners are practically the same, which I think says that brush don't need to be expensive to be good.
I would say in terms of feeling, they feel the same the paintbrush feels just as soft as the Chanel brush and if i am honest i tend to reach for the Daler-Rowney brush more than i do the Chanel Brush because i feel it gives a smoother better line.
Price Comparison
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I love doing these kinds of posts because I love finding new comparisons and I love helping you guys!
I found this awesome comparison to the Chanel Ultra Fine Eyeliner Brush (PINCEAU EYELINER N°13) and its actually a paint brush but before you go...."Paint brush? are you joking?" No, seriously. This brush is just as soft as the Chanel liner brush and I think that they are both quite comparable as you can see below the Chanel Liner brush is thicker and gets thinner where as the Daler-Rowney is one length all the way along.
I think they are pretty comparable because they both apply Gel Eyeliner just as you would expect, take a look at he swatch below:
((Bobbi Brown Long Wear Gel Eyeliner was Used)) |
I would say in terms of feeling, they feel the same the paintbrush feels just as soft as the Chanel brush and if i am honest i tend to reach for the Daler-Rowney brush more than i do the Chanel Brush because i feel it gives a smoother better line.
Price Comparison
The Daler-Rowney Brush was £2.75 ($4.21 USD) and the Chanel Ultra Fine Eyeliner Brush was £18 ($30 USD) so that's a difference of £15.75 ($24 USD) which is massive. I had seen Alex Box with the Daler-Rowney Brush from the Theatre of the Nameless Behind the Scenes and it looked great. If you are looking for a brush but cant afford £18 on a Chanel Brush and to be honest you don't *need* it so the Daler-Rowney is good enough for me.
I got my Chanel Ultra Fine Liner Brush from John Lewis in Glasgow but it is avaliable at Boots, Chanel Counter or Online and the Daler-Rowney Brush is avaliable from Hobby Craft and Online
What do you think of this find?
Would you use the Daler-Rowney or the Chanel Brush?
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